A true replica of the original LUT from the Steve Yedlin’s Display Prep Demo

The Display Prep Demo by Steve Yedlin is one of the most important pieces of work for cinematographers to understand and embrace the importance of color science in the development of a photographic look, which, as we should probably know by now, is not tied to the camera we shoot with but rather defined by what we do with the data the camera collected.

Based on the Steve Yedlin’s Display Prep Demo, I’ve used a Scattered Data Interpolation algorithm to generate a LUT that imparts all the tonal and colour rendition characteristics of the original Yedlin’s LUT as showed in the Demo. The LUT as you can see from the Gallery down below is very accurate, and it renders tones and colors like a true 2383 film print stock just like Yedlin designed it.

The YEDPRINT LUT was born as an experiment to test a Scattered Data Interpolation algorithm and it quickly became one of my favorite LUTs ever.

N.B: The images down below are from the Display Prep Demo

As you can see the YedPrint LUT is able to replicate the complex skin tones and the colour rendition from the original Yedlin’s LUT as it has been developed with advanced mathematical algorithms

The LUT has been created by comparing the Rec709 version of the image (standard Arri709 LUT also called K1S1) to the original Steve Yedlin’s LUT as he showed in his Display Prep Demo. Through this comparison I developed the LUT by analyzing the differences between the 2 images. The match has been performed with a Scattered Data Interpolation Software and subsequent finessing of the transformation with DCTL’s like Tetra and Gamut Manipulator. I then tested the LUT with a variety of images from different cameras and under different lighting conditions and it performs amazingly.

The gallery down below shows the LUT applied to Log images with NO grading, only the LUT applied in comparison to the rec709 version of the same log image

Take a look at how the YedPrint LUT compares to the standard Davinci Resolve 2383 Print

As you can see the LUT behaves exactly as expected and it imparts the same qualities of tonal and colour rendition when applied to a variety of images.

YedPrint LUT
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N.B: The LUT expect ArriWideGamut/ArriLogC3 as input and it outputs rec709 gamma 2.4. The LUT can be used with any camera that can shoot LOG via a Color Space Transform to bring it into Alexa Colour Space and Gamma. Some additional infos are included with the download.